Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

Yesterday was spent helping Ariel recover after she had her wisdom teeth taken out. After the surgery she was pretty delirious, and kept talking about the weird dreams she had and how the drugs were a trip. She recovered quickly but because of her medication was asleep most of the day, so I just played video games and watched TV between changing gauss strips and feeding pills down her throat.


Amy said...

Ariel, Hope you are feeling better!

Mary said...

Those drugs can make you pretty loopy. Hope you had some good dreams. hee hee

Misti said...

Ariel I am so glad you are feeling better! We love ya!
Misti & Dave

Shea Smith said...

Ariel you look so cute in the picture. Get feeling better. Miss ya!

A Beautiful Life said...

that's nothing compared to child birth, CONGRATULATIONS!!! haha, no really so happy for you and Justin, so exciting!!