Monday, March 24, 2008

Rock band B-day!

It was Smitty's Birthday on Easter this year. Though his birthday doesn't normally land on Easter, This year he had to share it with a holiday so he had a b-day weekend instead. So on Friday for his b-day I took him to get some good Mexican food in Coppell, we saw a movie"Drill bit Taylor" which I gave a thumbs down to. Saturday I took him to lunch at a burger joint (I also give it a thumbs down) we went to Sprinkles which has the best cupcakes in the world and then I allowed Justin to open his presents a day early. I got him a couple simple gifts because I knew his mom was getting him the mother load! Which she did with a little bit of my help if i do say so my self. Yes folks he got "Rock Band" for his x-box 360, which now that I think about it was probably not the best idea, since I couldn't get him off his video game in the first place and now I feel that I just feed the belly of the beast.
Don't worry everybody we didn't forget the most important Holiday that happened this weekend, we did celebrate Easter. Though we broke the rule of no video games on Sunday we figured since it was two Holidays in one that we could let it slide this time.


Mary said...

When can we come over and play?

You're rational makes sense. Mathmatically, two negatives equal a positive. :)