Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A new man in my life

So it's official we are having a boy. I went in at 17 wks and my Dr. thought it was a boy, and today at 21 wks it was confirmed. Justin and I are both very excited, Smitty was ecstatic at the apt today when we saw the baby had a willie. When the doctor started the sonogram our baby was spread eagle so I asked right when she started if I was seeing what looked like boy parts and she said, "Ya that is definitely a boy". Everything is healthy and going well, I have very little complaints in the discomfort area. I am starting to get use to looking more round, though I still don't like this stage that I am in because people still are not quite sure if I am pregnant or just a little plump. My clothes are starting to get pretty tight but I cant fit into maternity yet so I just have to buy bigger sizes, and that is still a challenge. I am a cheap skate and don't want to spend money on something that for one is a bigger size and two I will only be able to wear for a couple of months. I have used the "Belly Band" a couple of times but they are so hot especially when it is 100+ degrees in Texas right now, and I am wearing 3 layers of clothing. So like I said not to many complaints I am just glad to have a pretty easy pregnancy thus far, hopefully I will have a easy birth, but most likely I wont get the best of both worlds.


Mary said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for Smitty Jr. I bet you look as cute as ever. I know what you mean about the clothes...I had to get really creative.

A Beautiful Life said...

YEa yea!! for sure! so excited for you, i'm sure you still just look like you had a big helping at dinner and that's all! could probably fit your whole body inside my pregnant happy for you guys, woohoo!!! 1 more day until book #4!!!!!

Shea Smith said...

little baby beau! he he JK! I am so excited that you are having a boy, he will be so much fun! Will you post a picture, I know you look great, so just do it already!
PS Can't wait to read #4, let me know how it is. Edward! I love you!!

Justina Selim said...

A boy! How exciting! Taylor was sooo exited when we found out Aiden was a boy!

APeay said...

Yay a boy! And apparently he won't be a very shy little guy. ;-)

P.S Let me know if you need more onesies!

A Beautiful Life said...

Hey did you read the last book yet?? Wasn't it crazy??? I'm sad to see it end...maybe there will be more in the future, I can't believe the ending, I couldn't put it'z the pregnancy going???

Adam, Hilly, Wes and Meg said...

Hey, stumbled upon your blog recently! Congratulations!! That is so exciting! Boys are so much fun! By the way--the over sized clothes will be worth the purchase for a few months after you have your sweet baby boy as well. :) Good luck with everything!

Adam, Hilly, Wes and Meg said...

P.S. If you haven't read The Host yet you should! It's a good one too!