Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Family Reunion part deaux

This is a good shot of some waves that they were about to run into.

Here's a pic of the gang in some rapids on the South Fork.
Smitty with the big kid's was able to go on the South Fork of the Payette River. My cousin Jared the one in front of Smitty, fell in Smit's lap on Staircase(big rapid) and then fell out of the boat. It was all good though.
Above Smitty in the red boat and my cousin Jared in the blue boat are catchin some good waves.

Here is Smitty in a Ducky that he loved so much when we were on the Salmon river a coulple of years ago, he decided he would do it again.

So We had a great couple of day's in Idaho. Justin said the South Fork was an amazing experience and he wanted to do it again. I only went on the family friendly waves since I was 4 months prego, maybe some day soon I will grow big arm muscles like Smitty(ha ha) so I can go on the South Fork with the big Kids.
I miss my family they are such a blast to be around hopefully some day soon we will live closer to everone, so that Justin and I can go on these trips more than once a year.


Shea Smith said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Glad you didn't go down the big rapids, wouldn't want you to fall out. :) ha ha.JK! I happy you guys had a fun time.

Justina Selim said...

What a fun family reunion. Ours are always so lame, like go to a boring ghetto park and eat nasty food, haha. Four months prego! How fun! How are you feeling? Do you know what you are having yet?

Amanda and Brandon Jamison said...

Hey how are you? I always check your blog to see if you have updated, and I am so glad you did! It looks like that was a fun trip! Congrats on being four months pregnant! That is so exciting! Do you know what you are having yet? When is your due date? I am really happy for you! Keep us posted! Brandon and I want to make a trip out to Dallas this year! It would be really fun to see you guys!